3A Mölle - Himmelstorp

  • Length

    3 km

  • Elevation

    140 m

  • Degree of difficulty


Mickael Tannus

Nu finns det en genväg för dig som vill vandra mellan Arild och Mölle utan att gå via fyren och naturrum. Genvägen är 3 kilometer och ansluter sedan till etapp 3 i ytterligare 3 kilometer, vilket gör hela sträckan mellan Mölle och Arild totalt 6 kilometer lång.

Genvägen går mellan Mölle och Himmelstorpsgården, etapp 3, nordväst om Arild.

Vandra från Mölle genom Östra Kullabergs naturreservat. Efter 3 kilometer på genvägen är du framme vid Himmelstorp. Därifrån vandrar du vidare på etapp 3, ytterligare cirka 3 kilometer tills du når Arild.

Givetvis finns också möjligheten att via genvägen gå en rundled som dagstur! Starta förslagsvis i Mölle och vandra runt spetsen i Kullabergs naturreservat, en sträcka på knappt 18 km.

3 km

140 m

About Difficulty Grading

The grading is tailored for Swedish lowland trails that adhere to the quality criteria established by the national framework for hiking trails.

Even and firm ground: The terrain is generally flat. The hike requires no need to use your hands for support. No obstacles. Bridges are always present when crossing waterways.

Uneven and/or soft ground: Some changes in elevation. Certain sections may require hand support to maintain balance. There may be obstacles such as low stiles and short stairs. Minor obstacles like stones and roots. Boardwalks are present.

Loose or slippery ground combined with steep sections: Technical parts require hand support. There may be obstacles such as high stiles and longer stairs. Frequent sections with stones and/or roots. Boardwalks with deeper surrounding water.

Note: One or more of these features may be present along the trail section.


1 timme

  • 1-7 km
  • Medel
  • Barnfamiljer
  • Hund
  • Böljande
  • Skåneleden




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Photographer: Frits Meyst
Photographer: Mickael Tannus
Photographer: Mickael Tannus

Highlights along the section

Are you looking for a place to stay or a cozy cafe during your hike? Here are some of the sights and places to visit along the section.

Hiking suggestions

Do you find it difficult to know where to start your hike? Here is some inspiration and a selection of recommended hikes - short and long, with or without accommodation or based on different themes.

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Here you will find information about what's new on the trail as well as current redirections and disturbances.

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